Tuesday, February 1, 2011

this just in!!

Okay, for all of you {Natalie, Ashley . . . } who expressed {or silently felt} tragic dismay at not being able to follow my Tumblr blog, I have discovered a glorious, and redeeming feature of blogger.

You CAN follow me and get your updates on your blogger dashboard, just like before!

Simply go to the bottom of your list of "blogs I'm following"
click the "add" button

and put ThingsDaily.com into the URL spot.

Done and done! Easy as pie.


I'm married to a tech guy. He loves start-ups, he loves technology, and he hates blogger.

"It doesn't have any respect in the tech community." he said to me last night, as we discussed the smooth, sleek options found in Wordpress, and his new favorite - Tumblr.

"You can be a catalyst for change!" he argued as I expressed my hesitancy in moving from the blogger community, where I have worked long and hard for my 22 followers.

And so, as a little experiment, I am inviting you all to check out the beautiful experience that is Tumblr. Please don't abandon me {you can easily add tumblr to your RSS reader}!

Pro #1 = Freed from the chains of .blogspot.com. With Tumblr I'm using my own URL - www.ThingsDaily.com
Pro #2 = iPhone friendly. I can instantly upload photos, video, text, quotes, and more from my phone! Let's be honest - uploading media and formatting on blogger can be a royal pain.
Pro #3 = a savvy looking site, and a happy husband.

Join me, friends!