Wednesday, March 17, 2010

worms and words

I'm sitting in Biology right now - a somewhat rare occurrence. We're learning about worms: flatworms, tapeworms, earth worms. It's gross. I kinda want to throw up.

On a more appetizing note, last night in my Bible as Literature class we learned how to speed read. By the end of class we had read three times as many words as when we started the exercise. My teacher reads an average of a book a day, because he learned to speed read. It's incredible! So I'm going to give it a shot. He recommended 10 minutes a day of practice for a month. The hopeful results will be a four-fold increase in average reading speed! I think I'll start practicing on the New York Times.

I started at 250 words per minute. Here's to a thousand!


  1. Worms= NASTY!
    Speed reading= so cool!!
    When you have that speed reading perfected, you should teach me how to do it too!

  2. Can't wait to hear about all the good books you get through.
