Friday, April 2, 2010

what we're watching

McKay and I have recently discovered the beauty of Netflix. We're currently enjoying our free trial! In honor of free movie month, here's a list of good flicks I've seen lately

Stand and Deliver (in honor of the late Jaime Escalante)

Memento (edited)

The Sixth Sense (classic!)


Finding Nemo

A documentary about Donkey Kong (nerdy, but fun!)

The Office (season 5)

We're always up for a good movie.
Any suggestions?


  1. You guys should come over to our place and watch Gladiator on our clearplay. WE LOVE LOVE LOVE that movie - SOOO good! We also have edited copies of The Royal Tenenbaums and Waiting for Gufman - two very funny movies :D

  2. "after-life" is a japanese movie that's one of my faves. check it OUT!
