Sunday, November 28, 2010

holiday week!

Well happy Thanksgiving week! We've really enjoyed the snowy days and tasty meals. Here's a recap of our festive adventures:

On Monday night we accomplished one of our new-house goals and set up a guest room! Kimball (bro-in-law), Wendy and little Jack will be here from Boston for Christmas and we hope they'll stay with us now that we have a room to offer! 


Tuesday was Harper's one-month birthday! I took a few pictures to document the milestone.

That evening we had dinner with friends. I baked a yummy pumpkin pie that turned out pretty good, but I learned that you have to bake it for almost twice as long as it says. Glad I had a trial run before Thanksgiving! 

Harper's official one-month-old pie. She slept through the commemoration.

The controversial blizzard hit us that night and we enjoyed winds, frigid temperatures, snow, and limited visibility. What a party!

Wednesday was one of those days that you secretly want to have, but are maybe a bit embarrassed to admit if you actually do. McKay had a bunch of work to do from home, and got started on it in the morning from his laptop, in bed. I was pretty sleepy after feeding Harper her morning meal (surprise, surprise) so I just stayed in bed with her dozing in and out. As the morning went on, this pattern continued. Pretty soon it was noon and I got up to make us something to eat . . . in bed. By about 5:30pm we had watched the sunrise, and the sunset from bed! Ha!! 

But we weren't complete slobs - we got up and began our day with showers and a trip to the grocery store to stock up for Thanksgiving. We ate li'l smokies and pomegranate on frozen yogurt. 
thanks to this lady for the great snack idea
We watched Elf while I baked the above mentioned pie and tried my hand at this homemade eggnog for the next day (rum not necessary). We went back to bed around 1 am and had a pretty fun few hours in between!

Thanksgiving was delicious. We did some house cleaning in the morning and then headed to Payson so my grandma (recovering from a hip surgery) could meet Harper. After a short visit we were starving and headed up to the feast site - my aunt's house in Provo. We munched on pickles, olives, cheese-stuffed celery, and artichoke dip while we waited for Mr. Turkey to signal the official start of our meal. 

After eating too much we watched some football, snoozed, woke up, ate pie, watched Stranger Than Fiction and then headed home. A five star day.

We had big plans for Black Friday. First, we would go to a local tree farm and pick out our Christmas tree. Then we'd get some Christmas shopping done and take advantage of the hot deals. Well, as we headed out to go get our tree we realized that we would probably need a truck to transport our tree and decided to wait until after the holiday weekend to borrow one. Then, as we called around to stores, all the stuff we had our eyes on was sold out (what did we expect - it was early afternoon!) So we ended up browsing at a few over-crowded stores, and then getting some late lunch. We came home and crashed on the couches with a movie. A tiring and pretty uneventful day! I did end up getting some of our Christmas decorations out - like an old artificial tree that I convinced McKay to let me put up in our room and a tiny 3 foot tree for Harper's room. I could only get the tree about halfway lit before Harper needed me - and it's still only halfway lit.

Yesterday McKay's parents got back from their Thanksgiving in Boston so we spent the day with them - watching the heartbreaking football game, eating pizza and enjoying each other.

Today is another snowy Sunday that I'm enjoying inside with a sleeping baby as Christmas music plays and my rolls rise. A perfect ending to a perfect week.  


  1. Sounds like a wonderful holiday! Love you Steph!

  2. I miss you! Your baby is beautiful. Your house is adorable and cozy and I love all your little adventures you have with your family. Even staying in bed most of the day to watch the sunset is an adventure when you have your family close. Yay for snow days. :)

  3. I can't believe Harper is one month already! What a cutie. I love reading your adventures. Days to stay home are cozy and fun. Glad you were able to enjoy it!

  4. I read this post AFTER your more recent one, and while reading about you cleaning the house, I couldn't help but think, "little did she know..."
